ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Secondlife- The end

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the December 8, 2008

Well, our store in secondlife is finally complete. It has been a very long process and a lot of work has been put into it, but it is done. Its interesting how far I have come in learning so many new things. There was a lot of things I struggled with on secondlife. One example of this would be the incident with our land. We actually had to be relocated several times to try and find the right land to build on because of the amount of parcels aloud on that property. This was a crazy moment I remember, because it took at least 4 class periods of emailing and blogging on secondlife to find out that it was up to the owner of the property to allow it. I remember I emailed CCJewel and they had no idea how to fix it. This created all sorts of confusion, so when I discussed this with my instructor, she was able to supply us with a piece of land from her property which was wayyyy better.

I was able to build and have a ton more parcels on this property, which meant that we could build and put more pieces of art and furniture in the store. As time progressed, I was faced with more issues like how our building kept on disappearing off the land when we had put furniture in it already. I learned that we had to be in the secondlife rad cybergeeks group in order for this not to happen. This whole experience has really taught me how to be patient, and take one thing at a time. When you have so many people involved in one project like the land owner, secondlife avatars, and my instructor… it makes it so much more complicated to try and work every little problem out because you have to make sure all these things are on the same page.

We started off just downloading secondlife and trying to find a bald head to we could apply hair to our avatars, and now we have a store that sells art and furniture! I have come a loooonnngg way since the start of the semester. The only thing that I wish we would have done in this class, and I think I mentioned it before in a previous blog, is that we should have visited other classmates businesses. That way we could all buy and look around like a real business. I guess that part will be up to other avatars in secondlife once we are dont with this class. I actually am exited to do the business plan. It will evaluate the entire process with every aspect available.

Like I said before, I have learned a great deal from this course. Not only through tasks of secondlife, but the overall picture of critical thinking. I enjoyed this class. It was way different from any other course I have taken at Bowling Green State University, but productive and interesting. As I graduate in approx. 13 days, I will take with me my experiences from this course and try to apply them in my career. Technology is everywhere and its important to stay up to date.

Until then,

ekral ( elizabeth kral)

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