ekral’s IPC411 class blog

CH 9

Posted in by on the December 3, 2008

Chapter 9 is the last chapter by Tom Boellstorff. It focuses on the Virtual, as in human. This chapter discusses different meanings of what the virtual world is. I want to focus in on when he talks about the virtual human. Technology is at an all time high. New ways to communicate are developed everyday. Socializing is not just going to a social area like a bar, or the mall anymore.. its much more complex than this. There are many ways humans can socialize in todays world. Whether that world be the real one, or it be the virtual world. He leans toward discussing the virtual world and humans. Advanced technology is a huge implication that these forms of communication ( email, IM`s, even avatar chat worlds) are becoming more popular by the minute because of the ease of accessibility. Anyone can go online, create an account, and be someone else. This proposes some interesting arguments and controversy in many different directions.

For example, what I got from this part of the reading was the ongoing issue that we proposed at the beginning of this course. Whether or not these forms of virtual worlds are ethical or not….and are they detrimental to humans. Since technology is growing and growing, I know more and more people are going online and discovering these places. Its almost like they are escaping from reality. Yes, thats exactly it. They are escaping from the real world and logging onto these virtual worlds to fulfill something that is not being met. Interesting enough, the virtual human is an understatement. There is so much more going on online than ever before, and more than we can think about without getting a headache. Scandals, False Identities, even Mental disorders are becoming more relevant issues since the virtual world became more popular.

I believe that enough is enough. This class was even made because of these virtual humans. One of our projects at the start of the semester was to go and interview people on secondlife and figure out why they are there…and then ask them some questions about that particular virtual world. Nine out of 10 times, people were on there because they were bored and wanted to see what it was all about. What happened to going out to a movie, or bar, or even the mall if your bored?? The virtual world has taken over in many aspects. Humans are becoming more and more technology-oriented which enables them to be online more, and experience these virtual worlds more.

There is not going to be a stop to this online craze. Humans are going to continue to go online to shop, play, work, date, and communicate. Its easy, fast, and efficient. The virtual human will exist as long as technology is here to stay…and I believe it is.

Until then,

ekral (elizabeth kral)

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