ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Secondlife-More progress!

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the November 18, 2008

Today in class, I found out several new things. We now have a new location to build on since the other location had problems that could not be fixed. The parcel amount is much bigger at this new location which enables us to build on the lot, and add more art and furniture to the store. This was awesome because after all the troubleshooting, our group can now assess the real project in which we look forward to doing so. We started out by putting a nice building on the land. Then, we all took different rooms in this building, and started to make out own unique set ups and put them up for sale. Its cool how I can mix and match my set up in this room…personalize it. It took a while for me to get a hold of rotating and positioning the furniture and art, but after practice, I now have the hang of it. I feel like we are really making progress!

It is taking a little longer than usual to get our store all set up because theres so much to do…picking the right set ups.. positioning them.. putting prices on them for sale…making sure everything is close to perfect. Its hard and challenging, but rewarding once the final project is complete..which is around the corner.. hopefully soon! I just hope we can actually sell some stuff…I propose that after we are done setting up the place and building, that some form of marketing technique must be in order. This will allow people to come to our location and at least check it out. What I propose is to have a class day where all our class goes and teleports to each others locations and buy some stuff…etc. That way other people are at your location, and your at theirs and everyone is gaining experience and knowledge…just an idea I suppose.. but I think it would be interesting.

I definitely look forward to the completed store and hopefully its success, because this has def. been a difficult process for our group, but I am learning a lot.

Until then,

ekral (Elizabeth Kral)

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