ekral’s IPC411 class blog

CH 7

Posted in by on the October 30, 2008

Chapter 7 is a relevant chapter to what we are doing in class, and our class project right now…how convenient! This chapter pays particular attention to community and secondlife such as things like groups, residence, events, meeting places and things of that sort. It also goes into talking about kindness, greifing, and virtual worlds. There was a lot covered in chapter 7 but the concept and topic I found most relevant to our class session at this time would be the aspect of community. Community is defined as a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. Secondlife is definitely considered a community within itself, at least to my knowledge thus far. Its interesting because before I took this class, I had no idea that this community actually existed.

Its funny how this chapter brings upon community because I can relate it to what we are currently doing in our group projects. In our group projects, we are creating an art and furniture store. To be able to build on this land, we have to be a part of a group. A group is defined as a number of persons or things ranged or considered together as being related in some way. This is ironic because community and group directly resemble characteristics of each other in some form. By being in the art and furniture group on secondlife, we are working together for a common goal…the art and furniture store being successful. In one sense, community and group is the same thing to me. We are all in it together, doing something together, in a specific location. Its interesting to apply it to a real example in secondlife like the project we are doing right now because it illustrates the road to knowledge about this whole concept. Im interested to learn more and see how I can relate the things we are doing to future chapters to secondlife!

Until then,


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