ekral’s IPC411 class blog

CH 6

Posted in by on the October 24, 2008

Chapter 6 was about Intimacy (Language, Love, Family, Addiction, and Sexuality)

This chapter focused on many different aspects of secondlife. The way people chat with each other, the way families are becoming evolved and relationships are forming, the way people are addicted to this type of technology and the actual intimacy as far as sexuality goes. This chapter was interesting because it not only touched on the positive light but also looked at the dark side of these things. All of these things are present in secondlife.

Language in second life consists of different things. One of them being chat rooms and chat blogs. These are where multiple people in those specific areas take part in communication. One more intimate way of communicating on secondlife is through private messages also known as instant messages. These forms of communication are used in secondlife everyday between millions of people.

Secondlife has a great deal of things that include relationships, love and sexuality. These dont come to me as very shocking. I have heard a lot of things either in class or through my experiences on secondlife that relationships and love exists in the virtual world known as secondlife. I find it hard to actually have a relationship with someone that you never meet in person, or having a relationship with someone who might not be who they really are… how would you know?? I think its hard to comprehend. I can understand someone forming a relationship as in a friendship with someone on secondlife because maybe you can talk to them about things that you wouldnt talk to in person with your real identity, but it is still hard for me to understand having a romantic and intimate relationship with someone as an avatar…I know I wouldnt be able to do it, but there are plenty of people out there that find it perfectly and socially acceptable.

All of these things mentioned in chapter 6 were interesting when I actually sat down in front of the computer and critically analyzed them with me experiences and knowledge I have gained on secondlife.


Until then, 

ekral karu

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