ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Keep on searching on SL

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the October 17, 2008

My latest experience on SecondLife was very interesting. In class on Wednesday I experienced some things that were foreign to myself. I went exploring to different neighborhoods and houses and apartments for rent in different locations. This was to gain insight on the popular styles and set ups of furniture and art that avatars were actually living in on SecondLife. I went to several locations and found no one in these homes and apartments. I found places that looked like the description one would give in the real world…

Like brooklyn in new york, usa.  It looked like an actual place in new york. There were street signs and all sorts of things you would find in a city like signs and lights and stands. I tried to get into some of the apartments located in this place, but they were all locked and people were not answering their doors to let me in and look. Oh well…

The last stop was a neighborhood where there were houses on different islands and water with dolphins separated them. I went up to a couple of houses, but could not open the doors. Then I went to this one house that let me in…all of a sudden something popped up on the screen saying that this was a private area and I needed to vacate the premise  or I would be booted off in 60 seconds. This was new to me. I had no idea that avatars had security systems. I got booted off the place and then ended the class period.

Until Next time,

Elizabeth Kral (ekral)

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