ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Secondlife house experience

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the October 7, 2008

Today we did not have a class session, yet went online during our class time on secondlife. I ended up going on at the union during this time frame. My group is doing the art and furniture store. I wanted to explore more and see if there were any more freebies I could find that related to this business. I went and teleported around to several different places and couldnt find a whole lot of freebies so then I went on to discover other places.

I started teleporting to actual neighborhoods to see what they looked like and to get an idea of the different set ups people created for houses. I found that there were a lot of different houses with tons of modern and even antique furniture in them. There were also paintings on the walls. This episode of wondering around to different places gave me some ideas to forward to my group members so that we could get a head start on our business.

I actually chatted with some people on secondlife about how to go about building and setting up such a complicated task. No one really knew how to exactly help me, but I`m sure with the knowledge I have gained in and on secondlife, I will be able to figure it out with my group members in no time. While I was exploring the houses and different neighborhoods, I stumbled upon actual developments where people in secondlife live. It was interesting to see people taking their life on secondlife so seriously. I had no idea that people`s avatars had places to live…I just thought people wondered around like I did going from place to place.

This experience will benefit in many ways. I now know the basics for building and also the route to take to get some ideas.

Until then,

Elizabeth Kral (ekral)

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