ekral’s IPC411 class blog

CH 4

Posted in by on the October 2, 2008

Chapter 4 brought up some concepts that I have already thought of in my time on secondlife. The author goes into the seriousness of people and property in secondlife…they used an example of how someone built a place in secondlife that stuck out and was viewed as ugly to the other people because they didnt understand why they would put this ugly building in such a nice place on secondlife.

I noticed that there have been a great deal of importance on looks and surroundings on secondlife. People really do take their avatar and its style seriously. I never really understood this…especially this early on in class and experiencing secondlife. I understand that people have spare time on their hands, and use this virtual world as a place escaping reality, but when does it cross the line? When does it become too much to handle? When does it deviate from the norm?

I feel like the author is trying to communicate to the readers that even though it is an online world, and those places are not real…like that person didn’t physically build that place ugly in a really nice neighborhood…it couldn’t be done in real life because there is the law and jurisdictions that would restrain one from actually doing it in the real world. Thats the difference. People shouldnt freak out if something abnormal happens on secondlife…because afterall …isnt secondlife abnormal??

-Elizabeth Kral-

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