ekral’s IPC411 class blog

CH 2

Posted in by on the October 2, 2008
Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the September 12, 2008 Edit This

Chapter 2 discusses convenience in a new light. The book states, “Convenience, like progress, parades itself initially in fairly uncomplicated dress-technologies make life better because they make life more convenient; that is they save time, conquer space, and create comfort. Technologies perform tasks that we might otherwise have to do for ourselves. They relieve us from drudger, labor, and physical exertion. They make it easier to go to more places faster. They minimize everyday struggles that were commonplace for our ancestors. In all they make life easier.”

Its funny how this chapter analyzes the key components in dealing with convenience and how they correspond it with technology and the advances that have arise. The author conducts many valid points when discussing how it improves our lives, and how it is essential with our growing and fast paced society. I agree with this argument on so many levels. It actually goes very well with my page about email trumping postal mail. I will elaborate more on my page in congruence with this chapter later, but its not surprising to me that our work force and even entertainment purposes are thriving on the convenience of technology. Its really interesting to see how we have evolved overtime into this multitasking generation of go-doers. If we went back in time and did the things then today, there would be so many problems…or would there?

Its hard to pinpoint exactly what is wrong with technology, because it helps us on an everyday basis accomplish tasks at hand in an easier, faster, more efficient way than we could ever had imagine 30 years ago.

-Elizabeth Kral-

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