ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Group Assignment-Interview

Posted in by on the September 19, 2008

I went to several locations on secondlife to find out more and ask questions concerning our group assignment. I found out a lot more about Secondlife through this experiment. These were the questions I had asked and the responses to those questions:

1) What made you want to join/ be on Second Life?

Person A- I wanted to see how it was, I`m pretty new at this so Its interesting to discover new things.

Person B-I did it out of pure boredom one day, and have been hooked ever since.

Person C-I initially did it out of curiousity, and then came to the understanding that I enjoyed it.

2) About how many hours/minutes do you spend on Second Life per day?

Person A- About an hour a day, maybe more, maybe less sometimes…depending on my schedule

Person B-Not too much time, I have a real life so I cant take too much of my time on here or else it interferes with my real life.

Person C- I spend a lot of time on here, it makes time pass really quickly.

After asking these participants these questions, they seemed eager to discuss more with me, in which I did for a little bit, but we only have 1 class period which is equivalent to 50 minutes so I had to make my conversations brief. It was interesting to interact with these people because they were very diverse in their responses to my questions which led me to think about what Secondlife is really about. Its a virtual world, but people do take it seriously…at least most of the people that are logged on.

Interviewing these people made it easy for them to answer honestly and openly because we were in a more chill environment…like the freebies stores.

Until then,

Elizabeth Kral

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