ekral’s IPC411 class blog

SecondLife Experience

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the September 11, 2008

Today in class we explored further into SecondLife. It was a little confusing at first because it is still pretty new to me…but after time I noticed that I could find out through exploration and trial and error. The first task I tried to complete was to find out how to get rid of the skirt that was still on my avatar. I found out after an instructor helped me that these things can be altered through the inventory button. I am still getting use to the fact that you have to press command and hold down the key for things to happen. I then went on to dress my avatar in different clothing styles which I found quite entertaining and interesting.

Then I went on to discover through class discussion that there are stores that one can go to to get “freebies” which is code for free items that do not cost any Linden dollars. I searched freebies and found several places to teleport me to. I then found out that I could “buy”( even though it is priced at $0) new hair, outfits, land, accessories, and many more things for my avatar. Its interesting how you can really customize the avatar to your direct style. Although…I still need more time, and will probably within the next couple days log back on and change my avatars style to look more like mine. Today was just a day of virtual discoveries in which I learned a lot about SecondLife!

-Elizabeth Kral-

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