ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Secondlife…toward the finish line

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the December 3, 2008

The past couple meetings in Secondlife have been about finishing up building and organizing our businesses. This is the exiting part because all the hard work and frustration that we have been through in this semester has paid off…we finally get to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our Art and Furniture shop has evolved from a single lot of land to a large place to embark on shopping and looking. We have several different places in our store. There are “room setups” which are separated rooms that entail a great deal of furniture and some art. They are almost set up like individual rooms with their own personality and feel. I find this a great asset to our store because we each get to bring our own creativeness into selling these items. We work very well with each other and give each other in our group the thumbs up when something looks great! Its been a really long journey, and our group has definitely learned a great deal. We have learned these differences through the struggles we have encountered in this virtual world.

Its really neat to see how far we have come as a group, not only by ourselves, but as a class together. Every group seemed to have some sort of struggle, and we have accomplished these tasks through hard work, dedication, and research. Secondlife is a very unique place, with a lot of possibilities. I never knew at the beginning of the semester that we would have come so far as to build an entire store. It took a lot of class time and hard work and cooperation, but now as we are approaching the end of the semester, it seems to be paying off. The experiences I have had in this virtual world will carry with me as I go on into the real world. The readings correlated with the events that were happening in secondlife-which was good. Although, at first when we started out, I would have wished the book was more of a guide to help us navigate than readings about conceptualizing and context, but that was all a part of this class.

I look forward to the finished product, and have learned a great deal of things in this class…I guess the next post will be titled ….”finish line”…because we are almost there!

Until then,

ekral (elizabeth kral)

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