ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Secondlife…still working

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the November 6, 2008

In the past couple days my group and I have been doing more research and having more adventures to find out more about our land and building. There has not been anything out of the ordinary so far, or new things as far as building goes, but I have been trying to find things to put in the store. Its hard to pin point exactly what to style and what goes where with more than 3 people in a group, so the difficult part is going to be working together to achieve the end result…an art and furniture shop. 

I worked more on my little display place and I will continue to look for new things that I might be able to use in the store. With a limited amount of space, we are going to have to work really hard to utilize this capacity in which we were given. I look forward to continuing on in hopes of the end result. I`ll make sure I blog about any weird experiences that come forward in this project! There has been only one thing that I cannot and do not like about building. When I put something in our store, only I am aloud to delete the item or move it, no one else can. So say for example one of my group members put a large piece of furniture in the store on Monday, and come Wednesday he is not here in class to move it, we are stuck with this furniture in that area until he can move it. I`m still working out the details on this mishap and hope to conquer some kind of fixing in the near future. 

Until then,


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