Secondlife…making progress!
I apologize that I have not written lately, but I have been overwhelmed with exams, papers, and meetings so I havent been able to dedicate some time to blogging, but this post should make up for what I had been missing.
So in the last week of Secondlife there has been a lot going on. The art and furniture group in which I belong to has finally found a property to start advancing our store on. At first, I didnt feel like this was a big enough space to provide the type of store we need to be able to express what we planned on doing, but with the help of other classmates, I found it to be a great spot. CCJewel has given us land in which we can build on. This was the starting point. In class, since I was the only member there, our instructor gave us 300 linden dollars to work with in hopes of obtaining important pieces in secondlife to help and strengthen our store.
So now, we have land to build on and some money to help us get started on the hard part, building. I went to several locations to try and find a building that would fit the area in which we were given. I found this cottage-like place at first and put that on our land, but found that we needed something else because this was not sufficient enough…at least thats what I thought. So I continued to look for buildings and actually found one that worked PERFECT! It was basically a 2 floor blank canvas building that will give us more and more space and flexibility to put our furniture and art into. This was exiting. When I put this building up on our property the land was not even, and there was grassy mountains inside the building. I tried to change the texture of the land to make it flatter so that we would start putting things in it, but I was unable because I found out it was up to CCJewel to do this task.
I emailed CCJewel to let them know that the land needed to be flattened and that I could not do it on my own but needed their assistance. They wrote back saying that they would do it which was nice on their behalf. I was pleased with the quick response. So in this last class period, we had made some great progress with out lot. I started to make a little showcase anyway just to see what I could do with the things I already had. I actually really enjoyed setting up a little place within my store. I made a little scene. 2 couches, rug, tables, fireplace, and a picture. It turned out nice and cozy.
I went on to show my group members how to become members within the art and furniture group so that they could also start building and getting ideas for this project. They also found it interesting. We stayed past the class time not on purpose, but because we got so into playing around with our store and all the things we could make it into. I was pleased with how much we have done thus far. We still have a ways to go, but at least we are doing well at this point in time. I look forward to the end result. I`m learning new things everytime I `m on secondlife, especially because we are building now and we are past the setting up stage.
Until then,