ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Archive for November, 2008

No go on Secondlife

Posted in Uncategorized by on the November 20, 2008

Today, Wednesday the 19th of November, almost our entire class showed up in the music lab to work on our projects and to gain attendance, but there were problems. One of the problems being we didn’t know until we read the email that our instructor had basically cancelled class. Another problem was with second life. There was no […]

Secondlife-More progress!

Posted in Uncategorized by on the November 18, 2008

Today in class, I found out several new things. We now have a new location to build on since the other location had problems that could not be fixed. The parcel amount is much bigger at this new location which enables us to build on the lot, and add more art and furniture to the […]

Posted in Uncategorized by on the November 11, 2008

This is just one of the messages given when trying to add more furniture or art:  Can’t rez object ‘Candleholder silver and candle’ at { 41.8998, 249.877, 64.9675 } on parcel ‘CC Jewell’s Spot’ in region Saena because the owner of this land does not allow it.  Use the land tool to see land ownership.

Troubleshooting in Secondlife

Posted in Uncategorized by on the November 11, 2008

Over the past week or so, our group has been faced with many different problems. The first of the problems on secondlife deals with our land that we have. There were several implications that we cannot build on certain areas of this land. Through conversing with the land owner and research, we found to alleviate […]

Secondlife…still working

Posted in Uncategorized by on the November 6, 2008

In the past couple days my group and I have been doing more research and having more adventures to find out more about our land and building. There has not been anything out of the ordinary so far, or new things as far as building goes, but I have been trying to find things to […]

Secondlife…making progress!

Posted in Uncategorized by on the November 3, 2008

I apologize that I have not written lately, but I have been overwhelmed with exams, papers, and meetings so I havent been able to dedicate some time to blogging, but this post should make up for what I had been missing. So in the last week of Secondlife there has been a lot going on. […]