ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Secondlife…figuring it out

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the October 9, 2008

Today in class I was wondering around looking for more things to figure out. I stumbled upon a place that had 40 free peices of furniture. I took that and added it to my inventory thinking that we could re sell that furniture for our art/furniture store. I was corrected, and after I did some research I was warned that I was not able to resell that free furniture. This building a business task is going to be a lot more complicated than I thought it was going to be.

My group member Nicole and I teleported each other to the locations we were at to find different things and to see what was possible. After some time, we decided that we would make our own art to go into our art and furniture store. This way, we could color code the art our way to match the furniture in which we are going to build. It might take us a little longer than expected to get this going because it is a difficult task to accomplish, but we are certain, that with patience we can do it.

I tried to ask some random people on secondlife how to build, and where to get started, but before I knew it class time was up and I still had some questions that need to be answered. I didnt know that this process was going to take so long,  because there are so many things I need to learn before I actually get started. The phase before actually building is probably the hardest. Preparation for this project takes a while. Its hard because I just want to be able to do it, but I know I have some more research to look up, and questions to ask before we get started. Its important to get all this information correct, and know what I`m doing on secondlife so it makes it easier to accomplish the big task at hand.

Until then,

Elizabeth Kral

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