ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Secondlife and Building

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the October 2, 2008

Today in class we went into our groups and decided a starting point for our group projects. My group is going to build an Art and Furniture store. We decided on this because there are so many possibilities to this type of store. The hardest part is going to be actually getting the supplies to build the store with. The instructor assigned us a place to build, but nothing is really free on secondlife that we need. Its going to be really hard to find everything we need without a cost to it.

I was looking and researching around secondlife to see if there were any freebie stores that were giving away free art or furniture. There were a couple places that were giving away similar object for 0 linden dollars so I thought I might jump at that offer. I noticed that the freebie stuff wasnt the best quality or best looking objects, but they are still useful. I kept on searching some other freebie stores, but most of them had things for your hair or cloths.

The entire process is difficult because I still do not understand secondlife in its entirety. Once I get more familiar with secondlife and as this class progresses, it will be easier to handle these tasks at hand.

-Elizabeth Kral-

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