ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Second Life-latest experience

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the September 19, 2008

This past week I was on Second Life during class time. This was the time where my group was interviewing different people(avatars) numerous questions. I chose to teleport myself to different places so that I could achieve a wide range of social situations in which I could conduct the research. The diversity of the avatars was important to me because I wanted to get the best answers possible.

At the beginning, I found myself a little hesitant to start conversation with a stranger online. I think it was the initial start of the conversation which I didn’t know exactly how to attempt. When I went to the one freebie shop, I found this one person that I approached to have a conversation with. I started to have some chat dialogue asking them if it was ok that I would talk to them. The first person was very inviting, even though I think their English was a little off because I found out later that they were from Portugal. I began chatting with him, and then eventually asked him the questions that I had noted for the interview process. He answered them as much as he could. I guess I felt a little better after talking with my first encounter because he didnt have a problem with me at all. 

The second person I chatted with, or tried to chat with, didn’t go as well. I repeatedly tried to talk to them , but they didn’t seem to respond or want to respond at all. This was not a great experience.

Finally, after numerous attempts with chatting with people, I had at last recieved enough answers to be sufficient. I went to places all over second life and made sure that the answers I had received were no two alike. 

Until then,

Elizabeth Kral

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