ekral’s IPC411 class blog

Second Life Adventures

Posted in Uncategorized by ekral on the September 3, 2008

I spent a little bit of time in Secondlife exploring what it was all about. I found out many different things that my avatar could do. Once I grasped how to move her around… I went about exploring other worlds and places that had people with same interests as myself. It was interesting to find out that people actually do spend their life on this virtual program. I asked some people that were using Second Life some questions to help me further my experience…they were very helpful.. almost like they were professional second life players. They knew all the answers to what I needed help with. After a couple minutes of screwing around with the controls, and teleporting around to various places, I found myself a half hour later and late to class. Although this second life experience wont be the first, I noticed its important to pay attention to the time, because one can get lost searching and finding new things.

Until next time…

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