Chapter 5

August 5, 2009

This chapter discusses the ins and outs of Administrative Software for enhancing the boring side of teaching, the paperwork.  The bulk of this chapter dealt with the three or four major administrative software’s used by teachers.  These include Word processing software, Spreadsheets software, and Presentation software.  The book also discusses database software, but I don’t know too many teachers that use that.  The word processing software is great for anything from creating assignments with, making checklists, put pictures in for printing etc.  You can also use it to check students spelling and grammar (or your own!), as well as enhance text using styles and effects.  Spreadsheet software, I see as being used for one major aspect in teaching, and that is the grade book! Spreadsheet software’s can help teachers do various formulated computations, as well as layout easy to use spreadsheets of their classroom students.  Lastly, the presentation software can be used to create slightly interactive presentations.  These can include moving graphics, images, video and obviously text.  Teachers can create summarized briefs of chapters to go over with their students. Teachers can even introduce a new project; one that has more of a bang than just an announcement to the class, the list is endless!

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