Chapter 8

August 5, 2009

Now well into the book, we find ourselves learning even more about the Internet and the World Wide Web, specifically with regard to teaching and learning on the web.   In today’s high tech world, it is pretty common for most major organizations to have a web presence and in the case of academia; usually they also have an abundance of web-based resources.  These resources are what are making the web such a crucial role in today’s education.  These resources can range from as simple as an educators own web log (blog), and could link to articles or research that individual has done, all they way to government sites and education portals.  These are much more in depth; often times include full loads of curriculum to use.  My personal favorite example that I truly think exemplifies the whole idea of teaching and learning on the web is the fact that MIT offers all of their noncurrent (anything not currently being offered) courses to take for free online.  This includes videos, lectures, assignments projects and even the exam!

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