
Why Today’s Popular Music Sucks: An Odyssey Into the Downfall of Talent. Possible causes most likely include the degradation of the pop charts into nothing more than a money exchange, as well as pop artists’ continuing downward spiral over the decades; starting with musicians, and becoming nothing more than factory-made record industry products.

One thought on “Trends.

  1. Heather McIntyre
    3:42 pm - 10-5-2009

    This is an intersting concept, Evan, and one you should definitely be able to work with. One thing you’ll want to consider is how you can explain that the popular music is terri le without offending audience members who dont’ like it. A possible way to do this is to focus on one major issue you have against popular music and then look the possible causes you’ve already outlined. For instance, is popular music horrible because it all sounds just the same? Because it doesn’t tackle important issues any more? The more specific you are about What it is that you hate, the stronger your argument is likely to become.

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