Interview with Older Generation

November 27th, 2011

For this assignment, I interviewed my dad. He was born in 1961 just so you know.

Q: What new technologies came out during your lifetime?

A: Home computers, cell phones, satellite phones, iPod, microchip, calculators, color TV, CD’s, cassettes, A-tracks, cordless phone

Q: Which ones affected you the most?

A: Microchip because without this we wouldn’t have most technology listed above.

Q: Which ones did you have?

A: Calculator, color TV 21, A-track cassette player

Q: When? Recently? Childhood?

A: Childhood.


Q: What technology did you like the most?

A: Cell phone with internet capabilities-so many uses

Q: Do you still use it today?

A: Yes

Q: How often?

A: Daily


Q: What are your feelings on Facebook?

A: Good social medium for people getting in touch. Cool concept, but some people take it too far.

Q: How often used?

A: Once a week

Q: Comfortable putting information on it?

A: Yes.

Q: Private or not?

A: The users can control the amount of privacy, some people expose everything and take it too far.


It was very interesting interviewing my dad. He had a lot of interesting things to say about the technology brought about during his lifetime. It was most interesting when he talked about Facebook though. He rarely gets on it, but when he does he witnesses people putting a play by play of their life for the world on Facebook. He concluded saying that Facebook is as private as people make it. If people put their life story out there then it’s not private. But if one limits the amount of information put on Facebook then it’s as private as can be.

3 thoughts on “Interview with Older Generation

  1. Yeon Ju
    9:22 am - 11-28-2011

    It seems that you had a great interview! Your father, though not explicit, was defining what privacy in the Internet era is. It could be a great input into your group project.

  2. London gal
    7:57 am - 1-6-2012

    It is interesting to see the perspective of people from the older generations on the ever more increasing in popularity social networks!

  3. Office Removal Companies
    4:10 am - 3-1-2012

    I had the same idea idea about a school project years ago, but instead of intreviewing my parents I interviewed my five-year-old nephew, asking him questions about love, friendship, responsibility and politics. It was amazing succes.

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