Final Post!

December 12th, 2011

So I just heard this crazy story from my roommate that relates to our research project of Facebook privacy perfectly. So one of her friends from back home has a Facebook, but found out somehow that someone is using her identiy on another Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, but with a different name. So the friend tried calling the police because the person is stealing her identity basically, but the police said there’s nothing they can do. That’s ridiculous. This impersonator is using her pictures, her life, her family, but all with a different name. Nothing is private on Facebook, or even the Internet. This is a scary reality check for many people. There are some crazy people out there. They could be using your identity right now.

Guest Speaker/Media

December 1st, 2011

Today in class we had a guest speaker. He talked about how in different countries many protests over the government are organized over the Internet such as Facebook and Twitter. He went on to explain social network is not just for socializing, but for social movements as well. I thought this was interesting because we were told that the US helps the activists who are videotaping the protests with encrypted things so the government can’t trace back the videos to the activists. This shows that the US can help in many ways without the army coming in.

We then went on to discuss as a class Culture Jamming which is taking things and putting a political spin on them. She gave us an example of the Nike email. Basically someone wanted to personalize their Nike shoe with “SWEATSHOP”. Nike would not agree to this because they called it inappropriate slang. I thought the series of emails were very interesting because in the end Nike ended up not responding because the person asked for a photo of the 10 year old girl making his shoes.