Observation 5

November 20th, 2011

So the past week or so on Facebook things have been very strange. Pictures of naked people have been appearing all over on people’s newsfeeds. But instead of people taking some sort of action about it they just complain about the mass porn on Facebook. It’s quite frustrating because all you have to do is report the photograph and it will be removed from the newsfeed.

People on Facebook have to be smart about what they put on there, because everyone can see it or share it. Many people are finding this out the hard way especially when it comes to jobs. I’ve heard of a couple people who have been fired/denied jobs due to the inappropriateness on their Facebook page. When it comes to Facebook,

One thought on “Observation 5

  1. Yeon Ju
    9:36 am - 11-28-2011

    I haven’t seen any those pictures on Facebook, but I read an article about the cyber attack.

    The reason behind the attack was interesting: “If you are a willing hacktivist or a guy who just wants to protect the freedom of information then join the cause and kill Facebook for the sake of your own privacy.” I do not understand why the attackers had to use a malicious way of protesting against Facebook, but it seems that control over “your privacy” was the main justification of the attack.

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