Observations 1

September 15th, 2011

For our project, we decided to observe ourself and others using Facebook. Here are some of my observations since last class Tueday. I realize I log onto Facebook at least twice a day to catch up on people. I like to look at their photos and chat with them. Yesterday, on Facebook I got to talk to my two best friends, and made plans with one of them to visit MSU in October. Facebook makes making plans so much easier and faster since you can chat with someone and they respond immediately.

Last night I was watching a movie with my friends, and one of them brought their laptop in to start a paper for her GSW class. Without even realizing it, she logs onto Facebook and searches around and talks to people. Then all the sudden she realizes she brought her laptop in to write a paper. She says she goes on Facebook like it’s second nature, doesn’t even think about it, it just happens.

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