
August 30th, 2011

According to Webster’s dictionary, Multitasking is the performance of several tasks at once. We all do this action everyday whether we realize it or not. Multitasking occurs during school, work, even when we think we are relaxing we are constantly multitasking. Multitasking can happen when someone tries to work on a project or something and end of on their phone texting or on the Internet. My worse times of multitasking is when I’m trying to get schoolwork done and end up on my phone without even realizing it. Multitasking happens to everyone, it is inevitable.

2 thoughts on “Multitasking

  1. emily meece
    10:30 am - 9-1-2011

    I agree, multitasking is inevitable. We all do it even without thinking about it. Just like how you described being on your phone as a distraction, in many ways technology is a major factor in our minds being in a million places at once.

  2. Jack Michael
    7:42 pm - 11-27-2011

    I’m totally agree with this post!

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