
August 30th, 2011

According to Webster’s dictionary, Multitasking is the performance of several tasks at once. We all do this action everyday whether we realize it or not. Multitasking occurs during school, work, even when we think we are relaxing we are constantly multitasking. Multitasking can happen when someone tries to work on a project or something and end of on their phone texting or on the Internet. My worse times of multitasking is when I’m trying to get schoolwork done and end up on my phone without even realizing it. Multitasking happens to everyone, it is inevitable.

The Infamous Facebook

August 29th, 2011

Ah, social networking sites. I first jumped on the bandwagon of these when MySpace was the thing to have. After a few years of that, everyone got bored of it and moved on to something bigger and better, Facebook. I made my Facebook when I was in 8th grade, which was against Facebook rules since you had to be 18 to have one, but hey, everyone else got one so I had to follow the crowd. At first I did not know how to work it at all. My sister in college had to teach me how to use it. Once I got the hang of it, I was on it constantly. During high school, Facebook was the thing to do. If you did something awesome you had to post pictures of it so everyone could see how awesome you are. Eventually, Facebook got a little tedious. I used to go on Facebook constantly without even realizing it, it was like second nature to me, logging on and Facebooking. Nowadays, I get on maybe once a day if I have time, only to look at pictures of my friends and family to keep in contact with them and see how they are doing. I dislike Facebook because of how addicted and obsessed some people get. But the main reason I like it still is to stay in cont