A few of my classmates blog comments I liked

December 1st, 2010

 Comparing BGSU capital improvements to Toledo, there is some comparison.” -Emily Bloom-

The schools are relatively the same age but I feel BGSU has an edge on funding that Toledo does not. I am jealous they are building a ropes course.


 People are human and make mistakes. As an NFL official, they are expected to be perfect and not make any mistakes – Mandie Carey-

This has to be the toughest job mentally on a human being. They don’t get paid nearly enough for what they do! 


Many universities are so different in many ways such as state funding, amount of students in attendance, and size of the campus. – Adie Heyne-


This is interesting, I have never heard anyone ever compare their school to BGSU. Thats probably because there isn’t…

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December 1st, 2010

I am sad that this final semester of college is coming to an end…follow me on facebook.com here is a link to my profile!
