ADA Examples of BGSU Designs for Inclusion

September 22nd, 2010

Positive Examples of Designing for Inclusion (BGSU Campus)
1. Our classroom having accessible chair and table for handicapped to attend class.
2. Most of the older educational halls have ramp access to buildings entrance.
3. All water fountains on campus for the most part have different heights for access.
4. Most lots on campus have spots designated for handicapped parking.
5. Newer buildings on campus have drop off zones by vehicle with the proper space to drop off a handicapped student.
6. Multiple locations on campus have sloped sidewalk access to street for wheelchairs.
7. All ramps on campus have a gentle slope up so that wheelchair operator can approach with their own strength.
8. Railings for both ramps and stairs are in all locations on campus.
9. Dimensions and height of buttons on elevators in Union are large enough and low enough to be reached by handicapped.
10. All restrooms on campus are designed to include a handicapped stall.

Negative Examples of Designing for Inclusion (BGSU Campus)
1. Men’s restroom in Human Education Building is so small that a wheel chair cannot easily fit through the doorway. They later built another Men’s room right across the hall.
2. Wheelchair ramp design at library is out of the way and takes longer for handicapped to get down to entrance.
3. Business Administration Building only has one set of elevators on one side of the building. Overcrowding is possible.
4. Many buildings do not have direct street access so that handicapped cannot be dropped off directly at destination.
5. Stairs in some buildings such as human education building do not protect blind individuals from cross traffic while having a protected shade area.
6. Sidewalks do not take direct routes to destinations such as the man made path in front of the Union and behind Anderson Arena.
7. Being as flat as Bowling Green is, many areas on campus flood easily being lower than the water table. This is often true behind the recreation center. No prevention for handicapped with inclement weather.
8. How easy is the access to on campus transportation for those who require it due to handicap.
10.Could not think of two others

Links: (Official Website for Americans Disabilities Act)

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