Unit 2

This unit involved two assignments that dealt with Public Service Announcements (PSA’s). For the first assignment we had to work with the members of our writing group to create a PSA about how technology is changing communication. My writing group members were Lauren, Andy, Jilian, and Alana. Our group decided to make a PSA that addressed the issue of future teachers not thinking before they post questionable photos on social networking sites. This issue is relevant to us becuase we are all future teachers. Because of this, we also decided not to post our finished video on You-Tube. In our video we included a picture of one of  our group member’s Facebook page that contained a picture of her drinking an alcoholic beverage. Although  she is 21, and the message of our PSA was making future teachers aware of this problem. We all decided it would be a good idea not to make this video public. Screenshots from our group PSA are included below.

For our second assignment we had to write a Rhetorical Analysis on a PSA from You-Tube. The PSA I chose to analyze was the “Star Wars Smoking PSA” from the 1970’s. You can find this clip below also. This is the second project that I chose to revise. I also wrote a reflection about the process I went through while revising.



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