Rhetorical Appeals Homework
Monday February 09th 2009, 7:40 pm
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1.) The rhetorical appeal that I chose for this assignment was pathos. When you are using this approach you are trying to appeal to your audience’s emotions. You are trying to get them to identify with you, and the story you are telling by provoking some feeling. 2.) The advertisment that I picked is a […]

2/9 Blog
Monday February 09th 2009, 10:36 am
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A literacy narrative should tell your audience something about you. It can be a story that you write about a particular memory that you have. A good literacy narrative leaves your audience with a message at the end about why you wrote it. There should be some apparent significance to why you chose to write […]

Activity 2
Thursday February 05th 2009, 12:28 pm
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I think what the article was getting at is that no story is truly unique because we are using elements from our culture and other people’s stories to tell out own. I thought it was interesting that the article brought up the fact that the way we create our own identity is by looking at […]

5 Topics Plus Activity One
Wednesday February 04th 2009, 7:23 pm
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1.      Hooked-On-Phonics really did work for me! ·         My mom was very afraid that I would never learn how to read and that I would flunk the 1st grade. Even though I hated practicing to read, my mom still holds to the belief that the only reason I can read today is because of Hooked-On-Phonics. […]

What is a narrative?
Wednesday February 04th 2009, 10:51 am
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A narrative in my point of view is a retelling of a personal story. This could be of an event that happened in the writer’s life, or a memory they have. I think what sets a narrative apart from a story is that a narrative is retelling of a specific course of events. You might leave […]

Blog Reflection
Friday January 30th 2009, 11:58 am
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We met in our peer writing groups today and discussed our visual narrative projects. I ran my idea past my group members and they seemed to really like it. They think it is a good idea that I have a theme for my collage. It makes it more organized this way and keeps the audience’s […]

Visual Narrative Assignment
Friday January 30th 2009, 10:38 am
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The theme for my visual narrative is going to be “Literacy Through the Years.” I plan on making a collage of images I print off of the computer and pictures of myself. I plan on incorporating elements of literacy from my childhood all the way up until my adult life now. I think by incorporating […]

What makes a good/bad visual narrative?
Monday January 26th 2009, 10:37 am
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We looked at a lot of movie examples in class. I noticed that the length doesn’t have to be extremely long to be a good visual narrative. These narratives are basically about expressing yourself and how you have progressed on your journey toliteracy. Some of the bad examples had a lot of grammatical errors. We really […]

Question About the Readings
Friday January 23rd 2009, 11:53 am
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When I was reading “What is CC,” I noticed that it gave an option for people who wanted to opt out of the copyright all together. My question is why would someone not want to copyright their own work?

Friday January 23rd 2009, 10:42 am
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Visuals are a very important part of communication. For me, I am a visual learner so visuals are a very important part of helping me understand material. Visuals help connect what a writer is trying to communicate in words in a visual way, such as using pictures and charts. Visuals are very important because they […]