Monday March 02nd 2009, 11:02 am
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I can definitely see how the PSA we did is related to literacy. It informs the audience about the specific message that we are trying to get across. Because we are doing our PSA’s about technology, this also relates to literacy because it involves communication. We used Facebook as the basis of our message for our PSA, which is a big source of communication in today’s world. When creating our PSA we had to use our literacy skills to read the script and work the camera. I guess I didn’t realize how much literacy can be incorporated into everything we do.

Monday March 02nd 2009, 10:34 am
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Our group is done filming our PSA. We filmed it on Friday during class and are very happy with the results. We don’t want to edit it or add anything to it, so the only thing left to be done is to burn it to a cd since we are not putting it on you-tube. The only thing my group has left to complete is our audience analysis. I think this group project went great!

Wednesday February 25th 2009, 10:38 am
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A computer is an important tool to have in school. It is a tool that has many purposes. It allows you to get on the Internet and find information with the click of a button. You can type up reports and information that you have to turn in to your teacher. It also allows you to stay connected with your classmates and teachers through email. Technology in the classroom allows students to go further with their learning. There are many positive results that come from having computers in school.

Seniors in high school could benifit from computers also.  You can use the computer to do research for your reports for your classes. Computers have programs on them that allow you to type out reports and papers that you need to turn in. A computer can help you stay in contact with your teacher if you have questions over the weekend.

Monday February 23rd 2009, 10:37 am
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I think we should be evaluated on the effectiveness of our PSA. It should be targeted at a specific audience, and the viewer should be able to tell who that audience is. Our message should be clear and something that people are having problems with in real life. We should be graded on our effort and how well we worked together as a group, because making a video is challenging and we have a very short amount of time to film this a get it all together. Our PSA’s should be allowed to go over thirty seconds because that doesn’t seem like a very long time frame.

PSA Ideas
Saturday February 21st 2009, 8:19 pm
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1.) Message: spend time outdoors, Audience: Children, Medium: Video

2.) Message: Don’t drink and drive, Audience: Young adults, Mediun: Video

3.) Message: Think before you post, Audience: Education majors, Medium: Video

PSA Analysis Activity
Friday February 20th 2009, 11:00 am
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1. The actors portray the message with an emotional appeal, she is embarassed that everyone can see the picture.

2. Because she is embarassed it persuades the viewers to think before they post pictures on-line.

3. The voiceover warns you about the people that can see your picture, people like your family that you might not have thought of before.

4. The text tells you who sponsored the video and where you can go to get more information on this topic.

2/20 Blog
Friday February 20th 2009, 10:40 am
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I think that the statistic that only 1 in 17 seventeen- year -olds can read and gain information from specialized text is crazy. I guess I never really thought about these kinds of things because  I consider myself to be a good reader. I also found it interesting that only 34% of small business owners were very satisfied will the educational skills of their employees. I thought that they percent would be a lot higher considering more people today are choosing to go to college after high school. I would be interested to learn how many parents read to their children today as compared to 1998. I think the number would be lower because people seem too busy in today’s world to read to their kids every day even though it is a very important thing.

2/ 18 Blog
Wednesday February 18th 2009, 10:42 am
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We use technology in almost every aspect of our daily lives. We use it in everything from checking out our items at the grocery store to taking pictures of our family at a birthday party. Our cars now have GPS systems with a computer who can give us directions to any place we have to go. Our cell phones are soon going to be able to be wired so people can track us wherever we are at. Technology definitely makes our lives easier, I don’t think many people would be able to get through the day without checking their email or texting a friend. But technology can also be dangerous to us because of how much we depend on it.  Technology effects our literacy by making it easier to communicate with other people. You no longer have to wait a week or more to get a letter in the mail from a friend. You can instant message that friend with a click of a button. I think that technology is also making us become loners in the world because it is so easy to talk to people from behind a computer screen than in real life.

Peer Workshop
Monday February 16th 2009, 10:36 am
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Peer editing and I have never gotten along. I am not too fond of other people looking over my writing and making comments, because in the end they aren’t going to be the ones grading it anyhow. I also don’t like commenting on other people’s drafts because I am afraid I might offend them. I have to say that I am becoming more fond of peer editing in college. We just finished workshoping our drafts in my 484 class. I actually got helpful suggestions for improving my paper instead of just- good job. I think peer workshops can be helpful if both parties go into the session with the right attitude. It is hard to not get upset when other people critique your writing, but sometimes it can be very eye opening and helpful in the end.

Monster Blog
Friday February 13th 2009, 10:42 am
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My monster isn’t very scary. He is an odd shaped green creature with one blue eye. He has a big blue smile, and he looks pretty friendly. He has two skinny legs and purple antennas.