Monday April 20th 2009, 12:09 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

1. Should I include all of my appendices with my lesson plan?

2.Did I devote enough of my reflection to why a lesson plan is considered a literacy?

3. Does my reflection meet all of the requirements on the assignment sheet?

4. Do I have any spelling or grammar errors?

5. Should my reflection be 2-3 pages double spaced or single spaced?

2 thoughts on “4/22


    When I asked her if she wanted me to include all my handouts/appendix’s and she didn’t seem to be thrilled about having a 26 page lesson plan. Maybe just include day 1-day 5 would be a good idea!

       alyon on 04.22.09 @ 10:00 am    

    I agree with you that the doing the blogs was fine when we had a project to talk about. It was a hassle though when we did not have an interesting topic to talk about. This was also my first experience with blogs, but overall it wasnt to painful.

       ncantre on 04.24.09 @ 9:47 am    

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