Wednesday April 01st 2009, 9:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I found this essay quite challenging, but I was pleased with the overall outcome of my essay. I feel that I worked really hard on my rhetorical analysis and I putĀ a lot of effort into the finished project. My strengths in this essay were the amount of background information I was able to find on smoking and Star Wars to incorporate into my PSA. I also felt that I was able to understand the choices the writer was making when creating this PSA. The one thing that I feel that I could have done better on was the organization of my body paragraphs. I think each paragraph had a strong point, but I had a hard time making them flow into one concise essay.

One thought on “3/1

    I agree that this essay was somewhat challenging, but by the sounds of it, you probably did really well. I never though about having backgroud information on the topic, along with the PSA info. That sounds like a really good strength for your essay. Everything sounds good, and since you had a strong point in each paragraph, I’m sure your organization was fine!

       kareemw on 04.01.09 @ 9:41 am    

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