Friday April 24th 2009, 9:35 am
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At first I did find the blogs helpful, but after a while it felt that I was just repeating myself to get my three blogs in for the week. I liked blogging when we had projects that we were working on and we were able to ask questions. It always helped when you were able to answer my […]

Monday April 20th 2009, 12:09 pm
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1. Should I include all of my appendices with my lesson plan? 2.Did I devote enough of my reflection to why a lesson plan is considered a literacy? 3. Does my reflection meet all of the requirements on the assignment sheet? 4. Do I have any spelling or grammar errors? 5. Should my reflection be […]

Monday April 20th 2009, 9:39 am
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I think there is a lot that I can gain by reflecting on a literacy that I will be using in my professional career- lesson plans. Lesson plans are something that I will have to develop for every class period that I will teach. Reflecting on this as a literacy is important because I have […]

Friday April 17th 2009, 6:26 pm
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Final Project Proposal   Eng 207 Spring 2009 Options 1 & 2 Focus 1.  For my final project I am going to focus on a literacy I will need to possess for my teaching career, lesson plans, because lesson plans are something I will need to use every day for the rest of my teaching […]

Wednesday April 15th 2009, 9:39 am
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When we began this class I thought that literacy just dealt with reading and writing. But as the semester progressed my view of literacy has changed. Now I understand that literacy impacts my life on a daily basis. Literacy also has a big impact on  the we use technology which I never really thought of […]

Monday April 13th 2009, 9:48 am
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I think I might create my blog so that my reader sees my introduction stating the purpose of my portfolio first. This is just going to be a traditional paper. Then I will have a page for each unit and also my blog that the viewer can click on to view the material. I am not really […]

Wednesday April 08th 2009, 10:13 am
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Based on the feedback that I gave today during peer review I have also noticed things I need to work on as I revise my cover letter and resume. I really need to be sure to be descriptive and thoroughin my cover letter. I need to make the person that is reading my cover letter understand […]

Monday April 06th 2009, 3:17 pm
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I still need to finish both my resume and my cover letter. This is taking me a lot longer then I thought it was going to, mostly because I am making a lot of my information up since I am pretending I am qualified for the teaching position I am applying for. I am wondering […]

Monday April 06th 2009, 9:39 am
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What seems most important to my job ad is that it says that you need to be committed to the social, emotional, and cognitive needs of all students.  This is important because this is the kind of person they are looking for. I will have to address these needs in my cover letter. What does […]

Friday April 03rd 2009, 9:34 am
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I have only had to create one resume “for real” to actually turn in for a job position. My understanding of resumes is that they include personal information such as education, experience, previous jobs, qualifications, and contact people. Resumes are basically pretty straightforward and don’t leave a lot of room for creativity because they still […]