Wednesday March 25th 2009, 9:34 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I guess I am not really sure how I am supposed to write my rhetorical analysis. I am having trouble bringing all of the elements that I want to talk about together to make a coherent essay. I am also struggling with the balance of bringing background information into this analysis along with specific examples from the PSA. I think I have a lot of good research information, and good separate body paragraphs, but I am having trouble making them into a single, smooth flowing essay.

2 thoughts on “3/25


    After reading your essay I feel like you’re totally on the right track. I think that you might want to think about whether your paragraphs might work in a different order or whether you might make your connections between paragraphs a bit more transparent. In reading through your essay again you might consider asking yourself “Why did I put this paragraph here?” Just as the rhetorical analysis asks you to consider the choices the PSA creator made, as a writer of a rhetorical analysis you too are making choices and it can be helpful to become conscious of those choices.

    I hope this helped. If you have further questions or want to run some ideas by me I would strongly recommend you email me.

       Brittany on 03.25.09 @ 1:12 pm    

    I was having the same problems but after fully completing my essay it makes more sense to me. Hopfully the same is happening for you. Good Luck!

       tctoney on 03.29.09 @ 6:13 pm    

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