Monday March 16th 2009, 9:40 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I didn’t go anywhere exciting for Spring Break. All I did was go home and rest, and also work. I got to help out with the Big Read project that is going on in Erie County. What that is, is all the area libraries are trying to get everyone in Erie County to read the same book. This year the book is To Kill A Mockingbird. We had to go around town and put up posters to advertise the kick-off event which was held at our mall last Saturday. To draw people to the kick-off they advertised that they were going to give away free copies of the book. We took 288 copies, and ran out of them in the first hour. We had an overwhelming response, with about 500 people showing up. It was really neat to see how excited people were about reading.

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