Monday March 30th 2009, 9:38 am
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Revision means taking a piece of writing that you have possibly turned in for a grade and fixing any errors or adding any extra points. Revision is all about making your piece of writing even stronger. I usually revise my piece of writing as I go along, rather than a big revision process at the end. […]

Friday March 27th 2009, 9:45 am
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I didn’t really receive a whole lot of peer feedback that is going to help me revise my essay. Most of the comments that my peer gave me were positive. The things that I am going to work on today in class are: my transitions from paragraph to paragraph, work on adding more examples from […]

Wednesday March 25th 2009, 9:34 am
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I guess I am not really sure how I am supposed to write my rhetorical analysis. I am having trouble bringing all of the elements that I want to talk about together to make a coherent essay. I am also struggling with the balance of bringing background information into this analysis along with specific examples […]

Monday March 23rd 2009, 9:53 am
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“Star Wars Smoking PSA.” 6 March 2007. You Tube. Video. 20 March 2009 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWQgktBR6-w>.

Monday March 23rd 2009, 9:36 am
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For our PSA we should have a well-developed introduction that tells some background about the PSA, the source of the PSA, and our thesis statement. We should keep our audience in mind while writing this rhetorical analysis. We should analyze the PSA by looking at the audience, the use of rhetorical appeals, and the credibility […]

Rhetorical Analysis PSA
Wednesday March 18th 2009, 10:09 am
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    I thought that this PSA would be good to analyze because of the characters from Star Wars that are trying to promote that smoking is bad for you. I think they are credible authors, especially for the kids who would watch this PSA, since I think that is the audience it is geared […]

Wednesday March 18th 2009, 9:41 am
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One of the techniques that the writer uses to introduce their rhhetorical analysis, specifically in “Rhetorical Analysis of ‘My Culture at the Crossroads,’” is he states directly what the original author’s purpose was. In this case the original’s author’s purpose is the issue of whether the most creative artisits can gain control of the music […]

Monday March 16th 2009, 9:40 am
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I didn’t go anywhere exciting for Spring Break. All I did was go home and rest, and also work. I got to help out with the Big Read project that is going on in Erie County. What that is, is all the area libraries are trying to get everyone in Erie County to read the […]

Friday March 06th 2009, 10:37 am
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I took English 112 at the Firelands campus and we weren’t required to make a portfolio. I have actually never had any type of experience with a portfolio. I know it has to do with a collection of student work. It could be something like writing five papers throughout the semester and than turning them in […]

Monday March 02nd 2009, 11:02 am
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I can definitely see how the PSA we did is related to literacy. It informs the audience about the specific message that we are trying to get across. Because we are doing our PSA’s about technology, this also relates to literacy because it involves communication. We used Facebook as the basis of our message for our PSA, […]