Wednesday February 25th 2009, 10:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

A computer is an important tool to have in school. It is a tool that has many purposes. It allows you to get on the Internet and find information with the click of a button. You can type up reports and information that you have to turn in to your teacher. It also allows you to stay connected with your classmates and teachers through email. Technology in the classroom allows students to go further with their learning. There are many positive results that come from having computers in school.

Seniors in high school could benifit from computers also.  You can use the computer to do research for your reports for your classes. Computers have programs on them that allow you to type out reports and papers that you need to turn in. A computer can help you stay in contact with your teacher if you have questions over the weekend.

One thought on “2/25

    I think you did a good job on how the computer is an important tool. I agree that technology in the classroom allows students to go further in their learning and we will see more schools using computers in the classrooms and for hw assignments. In addition, the computer is a great way to remain in contact with teachers outside the classroom.

       robharr on 03.02.09 @ 10:44 am    

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