2/ 18 Blog
Wednesday February 18th 2009, 10:42 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

We use technology in almost every aspect of our daily lives. We use it in everything from checking out our items at the grocery store to taking pictures of our family at a birthday party. Our cars now have GPS systems with a computer who can give us directions to any place we have to go. Our cell phones are soon going to be able to be wired so people can track us wherever we are at. Technology definitely makes our lives easier, I don’t think many people would be able to get through the day without checking their email or texting a friend. But technology can also be dangerous to us because of how much we depend on it.  Technology effects our literacy by making it easier to communicate with other people. You no longer have to wait a week or more to get a letter in the mail from a friend. You can instant message that friend with a click of a button. I think that technology is also making us become loners in the world because it is so easy to talk to people from behind a computer screen than in real life.

One thought on “2/ 18 Blog

    i agree with you that technology is taking over. What happens in the future when everything is run by technology? I mean we are already half way there. Also, I do feel that there are a lot of anti social people to the real world but to the virtual world they are VERY social.

       kmayorn on 02.19.09 @ 6:29 pm    

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