Rhetorical Appeals Homework
Monday February 09th 2009, 7:40 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

1.) The rhetorical appeal that I chose for this assignment was pathos. When you are using this approach you are trying to appeal to your audience’s emotions. You are trying to get them to identify with you, and the story you are telling by provoking some feeling.

2.) The advertisment that I picked is a Coca- Cola ad as you can see below. I chose this ad becuase it is trying to make the consumer think that buying Coke will make them happy. They are using pathos to appeal to the consumers emotions and how they feel when they drink Coke.


3.) The piece I chose to analyze was “Somebody’s Daughter.” I think that the author is using pathos to appeal to the reader’s emotions when she talks about the culture shock that the nomadic people have experienced. She even says that “One of the worst effects of this has been the fracturing of families” and “Now many young people are cultural orphans.”  I think that this is an effective use of the appeal because these statements help the reader connect to the nomadic people and feel some of the pain of what they are going through.

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