Activity 2
Thursday February 05th 2009, 12:28 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I think what the article was getting at is that no story is truly unique because we are using elements from our culture and other people’s stories to tell out own. I thought it was interesting that the article brought up the fact that the way we create our own identity is by looking at the people around us. I’ve never thought of my own literacy development in this way before. I guess it shows me that although the words that I’m using in my writing have been spoken and used before I have to find a way to make the words my own, and make them tell my own personal story.

One thought on “Activity 2

    I think it is interesting that you point our that no story is unique because we all are drawing from different parts of our culture. I have never thought of it that but it makes a lot of sense because our culture form us and defines us as a person so why wouldn’t it define the different stories we tell. Good Point!

       tctoney on 02.07.09 @ 10:31 am    

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