5 Topics Plus Activity One
Wednesday February 04th 2009, 7:23 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

1.      Hooked-On-Phonics really did work for me!

·         My mom was very afraid that I would never learn how to read and that I would flunk the 1st grade. Even though I hated practicing to read, my mom still holds to the belief that the only reason I can read today is because of Hooked-On-Phonics.

·         My ideal reader for this topic would be anyone who has struggled learning how to read. They bring to the experience understanding because they have been in the same situation that I was in. I would use ethos, because I am crediting that this program really did work for me and also pathos because most people can remember struggling to learn how to read.

2.      How I ended up working in a library.

·         It’s kind of weird for a young person to enjoy working in a library with people that are a lot older than them, but I love my job. It all started when I was a little kid and used to go to the library to get books. Miss Judy always checked out my books and since those days I have always wanted to work in a library.

·         My ideal reader for this topic might be people my age who think that working in a library could never be fun or enjoyable. So, they might be a resisting reader and I might have to use logos to appeal to their reason and convince them otherwise.


3.      Sweet Valley Kids, my first chapter book.

·         This memory is really important to me because I can actually remember going to the library and picking out my first chapter book. What an honor it was to graduate to the “big kids” section.

·         My ideal reader would be real addressed readers, people who I expect to be sympathetic to my story. I would use pathos to appeal to the emotions of people who remember the first book they read.

4.      Mrs. Bur who bribed me to read with ice cream.

·         Mrs. Bur, my second grade teacher, made a deal with my class that the people who had read so many pages by the end of the year would get to go to Friendly’s with her for free ice cream sundaes. Beings that I can’t pass up ice cream I read the ridiculous amount of pages that she had proposed.

·         My ideal audience would be real addressed readers. Some of these people might think that bribing a child to read wouldn’t work or be beneficial, but it worked for me.

5.      Being part of the red robin reading group in first grade.

·         In first grade my teacher put us in reading groups. Although she said there was no rhyme or reason to our placement in these groups, we weren’t stupid. She put us in groups according to our reading level. I was placed in the “smart” group and that really motivated me to work hard at my reading and improve it even more.

·         Again, my audience would be a real addressed reader. A lot of people can remember being placed in different level reading groups in school so I could use pathos to appeal to their emotions.

3 thoughts on “5 Topics Plus Activity One

    I laughed a bit as I read the start of your post here, Danielle. I haven’t heard/read that phrase about “Hooked on Phonics worked for me” in a LONG time. I agree though that phonics was influential in literacy development for many people (including me). You seem to have five really good possible topics and a good start to understanding your possible audiences. Nice work.

       bcottri on 02.08.09 @ 8:00 pm    

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