Wednesday February 25th 2009, 10:38 am
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A computer is an important tool to have in school. It is a tool that has many purposes. It allows you to get on the Internet and find information with the click of a button. You can type up reports and information that you have to turn in to your teacher. It also allows you […]

Monday February 23rd 2009, 10:37 am
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I think we should be evaluated on the effectiveness of our PSA. It should be targeted at a specific audience, and the viewer should be able to tell who that audience is. Our message should be clear and something that people are having problems with in real life. We should be graded on our effort […]

PSA Ideas
Saturday February 21st 2009, 8:19 pm
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1.) Message: spend time outdoors, Audience: Children, Medium: Video 2.) Message: Don’t drink and drive, Audience: Young adults, Mediun: Video 3.) Message: Think before you post, Audience: Education majors, Medium: Video

PSA Analysis Activity
Friday February 20th 2009, 11:00 am
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1. The actors portray the message with an emotional appeal, she is embarassed that everyone can see the picture. 2. Because she is embarassed it persuades the viewers to think before they post pictures on-line. 3. The voiceover warns you about the people that can see your picture, people like your family that you might […]

2/20 Blog
Friday February 20th 2009, 10:40 am
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I think that the statistic that only 1 in 17 seventeen- year -olds can read and gain information from specialized text is crazy. I guess I never really thought about these kinds of things because  I consider myself to be a good reader. I also found it interesting that only 34% of small business owners were very […]

2/ 18 Blog
Wednesday February 18th 2009, 10:42 am
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We use technology in almost every aspect of our daily lives. We use it in everything from checking out our items at the grocery store to taking pictures of our family at a birthday party. Our cars now have GPS systems with a computer who can give us directions to any place we have to […]

Peer Workshop
Monday February 16th 2009, 10:36 am
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Peer editing and I have never gotten along. I am not too fond of other people looking over my writing and making comments, because in the end they aren’t going to be the ones grading it anyhow. I also don’t like commenting on other people’s drafts because I am afraid I might offend them. I […]

Monster Blog
Friday February 13th 2009, 10:42 am
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My monster isn’t very scary. He is an odd shaped green creature with one blue eye. He has a big blue smile, and he looks pretty friendly. He has two skinny legs and purple antennas.

Rhetorical Appeals Homework
Monday February 09th 2009, 7:40 pm
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1.) The rhetorical appeal that I chose for this assignment was pathos. When you are using this approach you are trying to appeal to your audience’s emotions. You are trying to get them to identify with you, and the story you are telling by provoking some feeling. 2.) The advertisment that I picked is a […]

2/9 Blog
Monday February 09th 2009, 10:36 am
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A literacy narrative should tell your audience something about you. It can be a story that you write about a particular memory that you have. A good literacy narrative leaves your audience with a message at the end about why you wrote it. There should be some apparent significance to why you chose to write […]