Blog Reflection
Friday January 30th 2009, 11:58 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

We met in our peer writing groups today and discussed our visual narrative projects. I ran my idea past my group members and they seemed to really like it. They think it is a good idea that I have a theme for my collage. It makes it more organized this way and keeps the audience’s attention. I decided that along with clip art I am going to be using pictures of myself when I was younger taking part in literacy activities. Some examples are pictures of me reading books, a picture of me in front of my bookcase, a picture of me reading a book in my pool, etc. I also found out during my peer writing session that I am going to have to make a works cited page for all the images I’m going to be using in my collage. It was said that you don’t have to cite any images that you get from places like Microsoft clipart. But because of the fact that I got most of my images for my collage from either magazines or clip art sites on the internet, it looks like I am going to have an extremly long works cited list. I was worried about not having a lot of words or captions to go with my collage, but my writing group members didn’t seem to think that this was going to be a big deal. They thought that a collage could have captions but that it wasn’t abosoulty necessary. I think that my peer workshop day really helped me get all of my ideas together.

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