Friday January 23rd 2009, 10:42 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Visuals are a very important part of communication. For me, I am a visual learner so visuals are a very important part of helping me understand material. Visuals help connect what a writer is trying to communicate in words in a visual way, such as using pictures and charts. Visuals are very important because they are the first thing that the reader sees when they look at your work. The more captivating your visuals are the more it makes the reader want to dig further into your piece of work. Visuals help up recognize important things, like  seeing street signs or  using maps. Like I said before, visuals are important in education because it can assist in learning. Visuals can also supplement the readings. We see visuals a lot in our everyday lives. If we see a yellow arch most people  can recognize and connect the image with McDonald’s even if they can’t read. As a future English teacher I will use visuals a lot in my classroom to captivate my students interest and to make the topics I’m teaching more interesting.

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