Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

4/7 Blog on ADHD

Have you ever known someone that had ADHD as a child, but then grew out of it as an adult? A new image analysis technique might give us the reason for this. A National Institutes of Health Study found that in a child with this disorder, their brain develops in a normal pattern, but it […]

3/26 Blog on Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a term that many people have heard of, but something that a lot of people don’t know much about. I found an article on that talked about the fact that children that have a parent that is bipolar are at risk for the disease too. They are also more likely to […]

3/17 Blog Entry on Autism in the Classroom

I recently found an article about including autism children in the general education classroom. I found this article interesting because I think there will always be an ongoing debate about including children with disabilities into the regular classroom. Everyone is concerned that these children will disrupt the other “normal” children’s learning abilities. I think the […]

Katie’s Blog

As I was reading Katie’s blog I learned a lot about her life, the people that are important to her, her struggles, and some insights into the life of a twenty-one-year-old woman with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsyrefers to a group of disorders that involveloss of movement or loss of other nerve function. Even though Katie’s life […]


Autism is a disorder that effects the brain’s normal development of certain skills such as social and communication skills. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that autism and related disorders are more common in people than they previously thought, still many insurance companies don’t cover treatments that can help a child living with this […]

Front of the Class

                Over Christmas vacation a new Hallmark movie premiered called, “Front of the Class.” It is a true story based on the life of Brad Cohen, who has severe Tourette syndrome. During his childhood Brad was constantly being made fun of by his classmates and disciplined by his teachers because of the constant noises that […]

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