Readers Response: arguments

After watching the selected videos from class, my perception of an argument is:  A healthy discussion of opposing sides with supported positions and specific examples.  During an argument it is definitely not acceptable to verbally abuse the opposing side that your’re arguing against.  It simply makes you look very immature and insecure about your own position.  Also, simply contradicting opposing views isn’t an argument.  One should support their side of the argument with specific, accurate facts or examples about the subject. Unsupported contadiction gives off an uneducated vibe, and will probably cause you to instantly lose the argument.  Strong arguments can be made by being as educated as possible about what you are arguing about.  Doing prior research about your chosen position is probably a good idea when arguing. You want to be as educated as possible when making any bold statements.  It is also probably a good idea to consider the opposition when arguing.  Doing this will probably give your argument a little more depth than before.  Also,  it lets your reader know that you aren’t completely tunnel-visioned with your position, and you actually consider other peoples ideas even though they aren’t you own. Basically, thoughtful arguing is a complex concept and should be displayed extensively

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