9/18 Reader Respose- Thesis

I have now completely watched the Frontline video dealing with the internet and how it affects teenagers. For my second paper, I will write about whether or not I believe parents should be allowed to monitor their child’s web accounts, such as Myspace or Facebook. I chose this topic because i believe that a teenager’s parents can be a little over protective and do things that may affect their relationship with their teen in a negative way. If a teenager’s parent decided to go onto his/her computer and look up his/her web account to look at it, that teenager would most likely be very angry about it. That teen’s web page is probably their one of few places where they can have privacy. If a parent invades that privacy, then the teen becomes even more sheltered than they were previously.

I believe that if i parent needs to invade on their child’s web account, then it should only be if that parent has good reason for doing it. If the parent feels that their child might be in danger or if the parent recieved news of a predator, then they have the right to invade their child’s privacy. But if the parent only wants to see what their child is doing, then they shouldn’t go onto their child’s web account without permission. Although the kids are only teens, they still deserve a little bit of privacy and perhaps the kids feel that the internet is their only escape.

This is my Thesis for my second paper and I will think of more supporting arguements to help me pursuade the people reading my paper. This is only my belief, and everyone obviously has different beliefs. I am only stating what I believe.

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